Tuesday 30 October 2012

Shinya Yamanaka

Had you heard of this name?

well if are studying in bio-electronic you should know him..

He is Shinya Yamanaka that were awarded the Nobel prize for Physiology and Medicine along with John Gurdon.

here is a bit about him

Shinya Yamanaka

Born: 1962, Osaka, Japan

Affiliation at the time of the award: Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA, USA

Prize motivation: "for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent"

More about Dr. Yamanaka

Dr. Shinya Yamanaka is a Senior Investigator and the L.K. Whittier Foundation Investigator in Stem Cell Biology at the Gladstone Institutes. At Gladstone, he conducts research at the Roddenberry Stem Cell Center. Dr. Yamanaka is also a Professor of Anatomy at the University of California, San Francisco, as well as the Director of the Center for iPS Cell Research and Application (CiRA) and a Principal Investigator at the Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences, both at Kyoto University.

In 2012, Dr. Yamanaka was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery that adult somatic cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent cells. By introducing the genes for four factors that turn genes on and off, he induced the skin cells of adult mice to become like embryonic stem cells, which he called induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells. This iPS cell technology represents an entirely new platform for fundamental studies of developmental biology. Rather than using disease models made in yeast, flies, mice or other animals, iPS cells can be taken from patients with a specific disease. As a result, they contain a complete set of the genes that resulted in that disease—representing the potential of an almost perfect disease model for studying disease development, new drugs and treatments.

Dr. Yamanaka’s current research focuses on ways to generate cells resembling embryonic stem cells by reprogramming somatic, or skin, cells. He seeks to understand the molecular mechanisms that underlie pluripotency and the rapid proliferation of embryonic stem cells—they can become any type of cell in the body—and to identify the factors that induce reprogramming.

In 1996, Dr. Yamanaka became an Assistant Professor at Osaka City University Medical School. In 1999, he was appointed Associate Professor at Nara Institute of Science and Technology, where he became a full professor in 2003. He took his current position as a professor at Kyoto University in 2004 and was appointed as a Senior Investigator at the Gladstone Institutes in 2007. Since 2008, he has directed CiRA.
In addition to the Nobel Prize, Dr. Yamanaka has received many awards and honors, including the Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, the Wolf Prize in Medicine, the Millennium Technology Award, the Shaw Prize, the Kyoto Prize for Advanced Technology, the Gairdner International Award, the Robert Koch Award and the March of Dimes Prize.

Dr. Yamanaka earned an MD from Kobe University in 1987 and a PhD from Osaka City University in 1993. From 1987 to 1989, he was a resident at the National Osaka Hospital. From 1993 to 1996, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Gladstone.

Based on the above..
we can admire him on how he achieve his success on his field..
for more information

talk by Dr. Azran(Bioelectronic)

First, the talk started with introduction of electronic circuits.
Dr. Azran had given question for us to solve based on what he show us.
Dr. Azran also show us about capacitor and amplifiers.

This is high pass amps.


and this is the low pass amps.

then Dr. Azran tell us more about bioelectronics.
he had us more about cells and Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA).


he also tell us about the achievement  of Shinya Yamanaka in the Nobel prize in physiology and medicine for 2012.
Dr Azran even present his work on phd for us.
His work is based on regenerate cell that is call sonication in decellularization cell.

Overall in his talk we get more information about what is bio-electronic.
We are very grateful for his kindness to share his ideal with all of us..

Wednesday 24 October 2012

reflective journal 3

NI Ultiboard

What is Ultiboard

NI Ultiboardand NI Multisim form a complete platform to design, validate and layout printed circuit boards.

Easy-to-use environment

 The  interface enables efficient layout and routing of PCB designs. Integration with NI Multisim allows seamless transfer of schematics to layout. The customizable environment NI Ultiboard
ensures accessibility to desired features for immediate productivity. Tools such as the spreadsheet view, toolbox and design wizards easily manage, control and define any board layout.
Part placement and copper routes are optimized to either allow full control for precise definition of critical parts or automation for quick design completion. The 3D preview renders a completed,
populated board to gain a virtual perspective before production.  exports and produces industry standard format such as Gerber and DXF to take a final, optimized board to prototype and Ultiboard
The Ultiboard product editions (Full, Power Pro) provide a complete set of tools for professional PCB layout:
- Intuitive, user-friendly design environment
- Integrated spreadsheet view for managing design constraints, part placement, and copper routing
- Easy-to-use design tools optimized for speed or precise control
- Export to industry standard file formats such as Gerber and DXF for prototype and manufacturing

Layout and routing

 Ultiboard features intuitive tools for manual and automated part placement and routing. These tools combine to reduce the effort and time needed to complete repetitive tasks in PCB design. The
flexble push-and-shove environment combined with placement processes ensure quick layout. Trace placement in Ultiboard offers flexibility to quickly and efficiently adjust based on the degree of
design complexity.
-Quickly find and place components with Pick-and-Place and Component Sequencer functionality
-Utilize the follow-me router and connection machine for immediate input and suggestion to any trace
-Access the speed and efficiency of the advanced Autoplace and Autoroute tools
-Use the autorouting functionality of former Electronics Workbench Ultiroute, which is now included in NI

Intergrated design

Seamless integration with NI Multisim allows easy transfer of schematics to layout to quickly define a board for manufacture. Cross-probing ensures any landpattern can be selected at board level
to simultaneously highlight the Multisim schematic counterpart. Forward and back annotation ensures that changes made at either the schematic or layout level are always reflected in both versions
of a design. The overall integrated experience is paramount in providing an easy and quick flow from design and validation in Multisim to final prototype with Ultiboard.
-Easily transfer schematics to layout with seamless integration with NI Multisim
-Cross-probe NI Multisim schematics to immediately gain insight on how to design your PCB
-Forward and back annotate any changes made to the design

Friday 5 October 2012

Mobile phones getting less toxic

Do you ever heard that there is toxic in your cell phones? 
Do you know that cell phones and batteries are some of the largest contributors of toxic substances to our landfills?

Even Brain doesn't pay attention to it.
But as a future electronic engineer, every aspect must be take seriously.

But the toxic in cell phones are getting less as the technology growth.
Some researcher from USA had done their research and said that..

The Motorola Citrus, Apple iPhone 4S and LE Remarq emerged as the least toxic cell phones in a study of 36 different models that have come onto the market during the past five years, the Michigan-based Ecology Center said.

The newly released iPhone 5 ranked fifth, and its arch rival Samsung Galaxy S III ninth, while the iPhone 2G—the first in the top-selling smartphone series, released in 2007—was found to contain the most toxic materials.

"The takeaway is that mobile phones are chemically intensive, and full of chemical hazards, but they've been getting a lot better," Jeff Gearhart, research director at the Ecology Center, told AFP in a telephone interview.

In a statement, the Ecology Center explained that "every phone sampled in this study contained at least one of following hazardous chemicals: lead, bromine, chlorine, mercury and cadmium." 

Such dangerous substances can pollute at any stage of a product's life cycle, from the moment they are extracted from the ground to the time a cellphone is assembled and the day it is thrown out, it said. 

"Consumer interest in healthier products is driving companies to design and produce healthier products," said Gearhart, who also cited tougher controls in Europe and Asia over the hazardous materials used in consumer electronics. The Ecology Center—which posted its findings on its HealthyStuff.org website—has previously looked into the extent of toxins in automobiles, children's car seats, jewelry, garden hoses and Halloween products.

Suprising that even Iphone 5 is more toxic than Iphone 4s.
Guess that there has to be an invention toxic tester on the cell phones or other gedget for the consumer to have a better living.


Recently, Brain had mention about attending electronic lab and been teach to use multisim program to create circuit.
Multisim is a known as the Nasional Instrument in the internet and that is what NI stand for.

NI Multisim (formerly known as Electronic Workbench) is the ultimate environment for designing electronic circuits and performing SPICE simulation.
With NI Multisim you can design an electronic circuit from scratch. You'll have all types of components at hand, allowing you to simulate and analyze operations in each section. As the Education edition, it's specifically designed with the needs of educators in mind.
NI Multisim has a large database of electronic components, predefined schema, SPICE simulation modules and VHDL, support for RF circuits, PCB generator, among other features. Because all this takes place in a simple, integrated environment, however, it's much easier for students and electronics beginners to grasp, especially when it comes to the more abstract concepts.
In addition, NI Multisim allows you to load additional modules for specific processes. For example, programming micro-controllers using ASM or C. Multisim is also appropriate for identifying errors, checking design behavior, and creating prototypes. All this can be achieved without advanced knowledge of SPICE, which is a major plus.
NI Multisim is an excellent environment to design, analyze and create electronic circuits. A powerful, essential tool for electronic engineers or technicians.

This is the sample of using multisim
There are three types edition of multisim that are..
This is a BrainLian software to be use by the student of electronic.
It simple, easy and fun to use it.

Thursday 4 October 2012

SMJE 1032 (02/10/12)

10 o'clock in electronic lab nearby DK4...
En Redzuan's class..
He teach on how to use multisims or multi-simulation..
It is a program use to create electronic circuit by adding the components into it.
It is a simple program that can run a circuit that been created and show the error occur in the circuit.
It is simple and fun to do it. Plus as an electronic engineer student, we can learn more on how the electricity run in the circuit, count the voltage inside the circuit and know how to detect the error in the circuit..

En Redzuan had given 2 simple sample for the student to create the circuit using multisims.
This is the sample
sorry for the incomplete picture..

while this is the result of a student that had done created the circuit using multisims for sample 1.

and this is the picture of sample 2.
Most of the student of the first year degree of electronic system had done this perfectly. Most of them can run the circuit without any help.
Great job dude and dudess..

SMJE 1032(25/9/12)

This is the second post about the class entered.
The class been lect by En. Redzuan also a former lecturer that had teach me in electronic lab when i was doing my diploma in UTMKL.
As the former student of his class, there are 10 of us that been divided into two groups.
Means that there are two groups for the electronic lab  that located at nearby DK4.
We will be helping the first year stdent of electronic system in accomplish their project..
Then En Redzuan had explain about what to do in the electronic lab..